Saturday, October 31, 2015

How To Persuade Non Racing Folks To Come To The Dirt Track

So when you look around the stands at your local dirt track, do you notice who's sitting around you? No, not that annoying guy that stands, that points and yells at his favorite driver with his stomach falling out of his shirt and a beer in hand. We're talking about the crowd in general. Is it getting any bigger? Is it getting any younger?

If you've been paying attention, you know that we're up against a challenge in the coming years. We're going to need to make more dirt fans.  It's pretty simple actually.  The creation of fans was previously taken care of mostly by paternal figures who took us to the track as kids and we fell in love with it.  But now that things in our world move at a faster speed and the choices for entertainment have expanded beyond what anyone could have ever imagined. and there's less cars and drivers around than there used to be, we find ourselves in need of recruitment.

Pat Miller Photo

Some tracks do a great job in this regard, some have room for improvement. So, what market are we targeting? Well, everyone really. Every person that has never been to the races before. We can't cover everything in this segment, but we can show some ideas on how to break the ice, keep the momentum, and create some lifers in the stands.

Okay, first thing we're going to have to do, is realize what we're up against. Perceptions and lack of knowledge.  People who have never been to the dirt track can loosely fit into four compartments. 1. Those who honestly believe the track is full of people who they'd prefer not to associate with.   2. Those who honestly never knew the sport existed!  3. Those who believe it would have to be similar to NASCAR, and they've tried watching it and hated it. 4. Those whom will never understand it, know it exists, and could not care less. (We can't do much to help those poor souls, they're doomed) We're not here to bash asphalt racing, nothing wrong with enjoying some of both actually. But pointing out the differences between DIRT and NASCAR may help our chances of converting a fan.

So let's begin with a couple of ways we can introduce the sport...aka the hook.

The Water Cooler

Okay, not all of us have an actual water cooler at our place of employment. Some of us have a beer cooler. But we all have a place where people take a break and slack off to avoid responsibility. Spot that guy or lady that you always talk to but have never introduced the sport to. Now, whip out your cell phone and have ready and available when you do. Have your favorite dirt racing video (make it a great one too, clear, not blurry and with good sound) of a local track you attend.  Don't show them a crown jewel highlight at first, they'll expect it to be like that the first time out and their expectation level once they see a local show may be unreasonable. Got that ready? Now start by saying "Hey, check this out I went here this weekend and had a blast!" Act like your fiddling around for a second, then show them the video. Tell them how much fun you had and what it was like. And emphasize what we love about the sport, your passion will speak for itself.

Other Sporting Events

You're more likely to find a potential fan at college, pro or high school sporting events than you can find gathered at any other location. And odds are you'll be in an area where fans congregate and mingle. When you're in a conversation, try to turn into a dirty one. "Speaking of a raw deal, check this out, this happened at this place a while back." Then use the video from the water cooler segment.  Odds are people in attendance will be somewhat interested.  Tell them that you go there and have a great time every time.

Hi There Neighbor

Hopefully, you've been blessed with great neighbors. If your neighbor is somebody who constantly threatens to call the police on you or wishes to file civil suit because of your tree being partly over their fence, don't invite them and let them finish out their days never experiencing a race, it's their loss. But we can certainly work on ones that we like. It's pretty easy too, you basically talk every time you see them, even if it's only a "Hi there" now and again. Now then, when you're both working outdoors one day, take a break and show them the dust on your car. Now show them the video of the track it came from and tell them what an awesome time you had! It may only seem like one person, but word of mouth travels fast and if you do your follow up work, they'll be going through the fan recruitment process on the other end in no time.  One makes two, two makes the math.

When you're talking about the track try to talk about the following

  • Very reasonable ticket prices, basically a movie ticket
  • Good and cheap food
  • Emphasize that kids have access to drivers for autographs and pictures if they have children
  • Free Parking
  • How long the place has been open
  • Good place to meet and court potential clients if they run a business
And when you talk about this stuff, smile and be yourselves. Like we said, your passion will be infectious.  What you say may not be quite as important how you say it.

Pat Miller Photo

Now then, you've introduced them, it's time to invite them...

The Sell

Start by innocently asking your dirt fan in waiting, "Hey, how would you like to go with me next Fri/Sat/Sun night?" Your prospect may initially tell you no. If that's the case, simply tell them that any time they want to come check it out, the offer still stands. If they start to look like they're thinking hard about it, up your game. Offer free beer, offer to do something they'd always been asking you to take part in (make a trade), if they have kids, make sure they're coming with your prospect too! (might as well make two or three fans in one trip).

When At The Track

First off, racing is like any other's one of the healthiest ones in existence. And just like recreational pharmaceutical addiction, the first always FREE.  Pay their way in, you invited them so it's on you to put the good foot forward.  Forget where you always sit, take them to a place where they can see the whole show and take in all the action, and have your friends pop by so you can introduce them. Ahem, make sure they're friends that represent us well like with any sport, there's good fans and one's to stay away from. Actually there's far less in the way of falling down drunk, belligerent idiots at a dirt track than at an NFL/NHL or NBA game! We're a pretty friendly bunch for the most part, and make sure that your first timer realizes that! Also, if it's financially possible, you can buy pit passes for the both of you so they can take in some of the pit action and get that behind the scenes look.

Before hot laps, explain how the evening goes, and explain a little bit about each type of car as they come on the track. Tell them about the drivers, how they're doing it for the love at the weekly level and are not really in it for any kind of financial reward. As the racing continues, explain the rules and how best to take in the action. Tell them about transfer spots, and about how the surface changes from heats to consi's to main events. Also, take a walk with them to the concourse for some food and that free beer you promised, show them where tshirts are and collectibles.

One thing to think about though. All of the previous information needs to be done bit by bit, not all at once. Spread in some friendly chatter between racing explanations, the brain's like a sponge, don't overfill it too soon.  Before the night ends, be sure to tell them about special shows like national sanctions too!

Pat Miller Photo

After The Races

You've done your part in creating a new fan, but the job isn't quite finished yet. Reach out to your new racing friend with a thanks for coming out email/text/phone call. And then progressively show them how to use the internet to follow drivers, series, other tracks and how the national sanctions work. Show them how to follow and keep up with the sport. Tell them about great general websites and social media accounts to follow (like ours). If you don't take this final step seriously, you've created a half baked fan that saw it once and liked it, nothing more.  Fans like to follow drivers, you've got to show how to develop favorites, not yours per se, but give a little back story behind some of the drivers you know and how you like or don't like how they drive.

About Non Racing Folks

We are not born into the universe knowing about racing. So it makes sense that there will be folks out there who have no idea about what we love. And it's not their fault!! What we can do, is try our best to take away any false preconceptions that they may have about dirt racing, or we can educate those who don't even have those. These people will all look differently, they may have different ethnic backgrounds, different colors, and different lifestyles. And EVERY one of them is important to try to recruit! We want a cross section of everybody in our grandstands!!!  We're only going to lose those preconceived notions about what our sport is about, if we invite EVERYBODY to the party!

In closing, we owe it to our sport to help generate more fans. We challenge every one of our loyal readers here, to make it a goal to take no fewer than 5 newbies a year to the races in 2016! And also, to include them in our social circle. If we do that, collectively as DIRT NATION, we'll see less tracks close, see greater opportunities for drivers, and help keep the sport growing! So remember, just don't ask somebody to the an ambassador by following what we've listed here! It's our job here at TDN on a larger level, and your job at a local level!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

4th Annual World Finals Pick'Em Contest

And here it is..our last national event pick'em contest of the season.  And, it's the hardest one to win! You've got to be a fan of the big 3 and have a little luck on your side to win this one. You may know your 410's, you may be more late model or modified inclined, but do you pay attention to all three with somewhat equal fervor?

We do here at TDN, it's what we're all about. And if you do to, this contest is for you! It's free to play and there's prizes involved, plus a place forever in our TDN Pick'Em Hall of Fame

Our contests are designed to enhance the fun and provide a little competiton for you..the fans! And also, a few drivers have been known to play from time to time. If you've played our Pick'Em contests before, you know what we're talking about. And if you're a first timer, get ready for a great time!


1. At the bottom of the page, you'll click a link which will take you to our entry website, from there,  you'll enter some basic information and make your selections.

2. Please enter ALL information required! And please be sure to finish ALL pages. Or'll simply have a bad experience and be ridiculed for finishing in last place! (We can post last place finishers in the hall of fame too ya know)

3. Only 1 Entry will be allowed per player.  If there are any attempts at multiple entries, BOTH of them will be disqualified!

4. Be sure to do some homework on your selections.  Our selections are NOT guarantees of appearance. They're very likely, but some drivers pull out at the last minute. So you might want to check some driver facebooks and twitter accts.

5. Have fun!


1st Prize; $75 Visa Gift Card
2nd Prize: $25 Visa Gift Card plus choice of tshirt from R and R Racewear online catalog
3rd Prize: Dirt on Baseball cap and a $15 Subway Gift Card

Our Sponsors:

Folks, we simply couldn't do these contests without our outstanding sponsors here at TDN. Please be sure to give these businesses a thank you if you see or talk to them at any time! They help keep our site running, and a place for great independent dirt racing motorsports journalism.

R and R Racewear
Keyser/Integra Manufacturing
Turners Premium Iced Tea
Bryan Designs and Decals

Our Calendar:

Did you know we have our own 2016 Calendar for sale?  Our own Pat Miller has great action shots all rolled into 12 months! And best of all, $10 of each sale goes directly to Racers for Tots, to help make Christmas better for the disadvantaged.  Be sure to check it out here:  2016 TDN Calendar

So, are you ready to start having fun! Do a little homework and feel free to make your selections by clicking below!

4th Annual World Finals Pick'Em Contest

Friday, October 23, 2015

Steel City Stampede Closes 2015 Lernerville Season

And it comes down to this. One last chance to make an impact on the 2015 season. It's a huge season ending event, and this year, it's basically on steroids! The annual Steel City Stampede at Lernerville Speedway is the penultimate end of season experience for fans and drivers alike. There's literally something for everyone. It's a final chance to see the fab four do battle one last time. It's a chance for divisions that don't get to grace the clay to partake in a special event at the legendary facility and perhaps etch their name on the winners list. And it's a chance for the extended family otherwise known as DIRT Nation to come together again for one final time before the snow covers the track and the long, harsh, icy grip of winter reduces us to our memories of seasons past.

One could read that last statement and be depressed, but the glass is half full. And if you should find yourself in the stands this weekend, you'll feast your eyes on the largest Stampede in history as evidenced by the number of divisions on tap due to some carryover action from previous rainouts.

With the cold winter months coming, you'll be hearing about a way you can help people in need keep warm as 410 sprint and Lernerville Sponsor People's Gas will be out and about letting you know about  LIHEAP (Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program) which opens on November 1. The program offers need based assistance via a government grant program which can also extend to repair broken furnaces as well as to avoid heat energy service termination.

The Skinny:

Appearing this weekend are the following.

  • Peoples TWP 410 Sprints
  • Diehl Automotive Group Big Block Modifieds
  • Precise Racing Products Super Late Models
  • Millerstown Pic-A-Part Sportsman Stocks
  • UMP E-Modifieds
  • RUSH Late Models
  • RUSH Sportsman Modifieds
  • Buckeye Ohio Sprint Series (Mo Vaughn Trucking/B.O.S.S) Wingless Sprints
  • 4 Cylinders
  • 100 lap endure


Friday October 23: Heats for all divisions plus RUSH Pro Stock Pandemonium and King of the Hill,  racing starts at 7:00 PM

Saturday October 24: Bmains and features for all divisions plus enduro. Action will start closer to 5 PM due to extended events and large car count.

Pat Miller Photo

What To Look For

In the Peoples TWP Sprints, AJ Flick looks to cap a championship season with an exclamation point, but in order to do so he must fend off some stiff resistence from former champion Carl Bowser, perennial contender Jack Sodeman Jr. and a determined Brandon Matus who'd like to get a win this season at Lernerville before the season comes to a close.  The feature will bring about an end to our TDN North East Sprint Car Championships for the Western PA region and the standings coming in are very tight. TDN Western PA Sprint Car Standings

Pat Miller Photo

In the Precise Super Late Models, Alex Ferree is coming off not only another Lernerville title, but some very impressive runs at the World 100 and recently completed Dirt Track World Championships and would have to be considered the prohibitive favorite here. But he'll be chased by Jared Miley, Michael Norris and perhaps an invader or two. Look for a Russ King to have a say in the matter as well if he's in attendance.

Pat Miller Photo

The DIEHL Automotive Group Big Block Modifieds should offer up a fantastic $3,000 to win 30 lap battle with some surprises in the house looking to take some money back home.  With the SDS in action at Weedsport, Mat Williamson will most likely miss this one, but there'll be at least a handful of New York or Canadian invaders to challenge Rex King Jr., Rex King Sr., Brian Swartzlander, Jeremiah Shingledecker and the surprising Garrett Krummert who launched himself into the front runner battle with a breakout 2015 campaign.

Pat Miller Photo

The Millerstown Pic-A-Part Sportsman Stocks are undergoing an offseason filled with questions, anticipation and anxiety with the new engine rules taking effect in 2016, but there's still one open engine race left to be won at Lernerville and this is it.  Champion Corey McPherson looks to put the field to bed with authority, but it won't be easy as a huge field of invaders, plus his normal track competition will keep supplying the heat as Mike Miller, Terry Young and others look to help keep the home team in the top five when all is said and done.

The RUSH Late Models partake in the $2,000 to win Gary Knollinger Memorial this weekend which is the final touring series race in 2015. Max Blair has already wrapped up the season championship in convincing fashion and this race should bring about some stout competition in the likes of Ryan Montgomery, Michael Lake, John Waters, Jason Knowles, Kyle Lukon and others look to take the last checkered flag of the season.

Meanwhile, there's still a battle to the finish to bear witness to in the RUSH Sportsman Modifieds as Larry Kugel, Kyle Holden and Jerry Shaffer are separated by a mere 10 points. Last year's champion Greg Martin will be looking to add another belt buckle to his collection as well. Look for a spirited sprint to the end for these guys!

General Information/Details

For all you'll need to know including ticket prices, pit pass fees, camping information, rules and other useful info, just click here:  Stampede General Information Page

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Big Blocks Going for Big Bucks

     With around a dozen or so races left in the big block modified season, some of the highest paying races of the year are among them. First, on Thursday the Super Dirt Car Series will make its third trip back to the D-Shaped Dirt Demon, Brewerton Speedway, in yet another attempt to complete the show that has been postponed twice by inclement weather. The night will start with the running of heat 4, as the first three have already been completed.

The Super Dirt Car Series is in the homestretch, with each of the last four remaining races worth 150 points to the winner instead of the usual 100. Major point swings like this can change the outlook of the championship in a heartbeat. A broken shock tower or a flat tire can make or break a driver’s season. “Super” Matt Sheppard in the HBR 9h comes into the race after a 5th place finish at the Brockville Speedway after unloading the backup car due to a vicious rollover that took place on lap 5 of the heat race. Sheppard has remained the point’s leader, and extended his lead to 103 points over second place, which changed hands after Brett Hearn struggled in the feature and finished 15th, one lap down.

Billy Decker took the second spot away from Hearn with an 8th place finish. Look for both Sheppard and Decker to lead the way Thursday night as they finished 1st and 3rd in the track point’s standings respectively. Also, keep an eye on the 27J of the Doctor Danny Johnson, as he won the Hurricane 100, a small block race of 100 laps that took place at the track on Thursday of Super Dirt Week.

Admission is $20 for adults 15 years and older, $5 for children 5-14, and $40 for pit admission. The gates open at 5pm, and racing starts at 7pm.

Matt Sheppard, Billy Decker, Danny Johnson,
Dark Horse:
Vic Coffey, Ryan Phelps


Friday opens up not one, but two books for the weekend. The longer, more storied book starts another chapter as Orange County Fair Speedway holds the 54th annual Eastern States weekend for a record $35,000 to win. Earlier this year it was announced that OCFS was not going to be DIRT sanctioned going forward, so it gets a bit tricky as the Weedsport Speedway hosts the 1st Annual Last Call at the Port weekend. The racing begins Friday afternoon at OCFS with time trials and heats for the big block modifieds. For those drivers that are looking to cash in and attempt the double, they MUST be in attendance for time trials in order to be eligible for the consolation races. Then racing continues in the evening at Weedsport as the Super Dirt Car Series big blocks take their time trials for Saturday’s Allways 150. The top 30 in time trials have a 35 lap non points race for $3,500 to win. Also on tap is the 125 lap 358 modified series championship for $7,500 to win.

Those drivers that are aiming for the double, and there are a few, must travel from OCFS after taking time trials, to Weedsport to time trial again for the race Saturday. Brett Hearn has confirmed that he will attempt the double. Others that are anticipated to make the double are Stewart Friesen, coming off of his big payday, as well as Matt Sheppard per an interview by Al Heinke (HBR team owner). Race weekends like this are always hard on car counts. It is hard to tell who is going to race where and what car they will be driving. Look to see roughly the top 15 in the SDS points to be at Weedsport for sure.

Saturday evening at the Weedsport Speedway, the Super Dirt Car Series takes to the track again for the 150 lap contest paying $20,000 to the winner. Another 150 point race means that big points swings are possible. Danny Johnson won the satellite event here on Wednesday of Super Dirt Week in his 358 modified. Weedsport Speedway has gone through a considerable amount of changes over the past couple of years under new management. The facility has been upgraded, and is now in pristine condition. I consider it one of the best in the northeast. The racing has been top notch as well. The past series races at the speedway have been 100 laps in length, so the extra 50 laps definitely throws a curveball strategy wise. Also, give an advantage to the HBR team as they are looking to defend their home turf, as the speedway is owned by Al Heinke, the team owner.

General admission on Saturday is $35 for adults 18+, $39 reserved, $15 for students 11-17, and $5 for children 10 and under. There are combo packages available for multiple days as well. Gates open at 3pm, and time trials start at 5:30pm.

Favorites: Jimmy Phelps, Matt Sheppard, Brett Hearn, Stewart Friesen*
Dark Horse: Billy Dunn, Justin Haers, Carey Terrance

Sunday marks the 54th annual running of the Eastern States modified championship. The October Classic is the only 200 lap race with a live pit stop remaining in the northeast, as the Syracuse 200 is just a memory now. Middletown is a very unforgiving 5/8ths mile with very little banking. The hard clay takes a lot of rubber and becomes very slick quickly. Getting out of the groove can send you up into the concrete walls that are known to tear up race cars. The majority of the drivers will do their best to hold the bottom line and wait for the driver in front of them to make a mistake. The drivers that are willing to take the risk of trying the highside, and succeed will be the drivers with the best chance of capturing the lucrative check. Drivers like Tim McCreadie, Brett Hearn, Stewart Friesen, and track regular Jerry Higbie all have the means and potential to be front runners throughout the day. There is one required pit stop after lap 30, in which the car must come to a complete stop in the pit stall. Expect a lot of cars to attempt to qualify for this race, as it is the highest paying ESW in the 54 year history.

Sunday General Admission is $35 for adults,$30 for seniors, and $5 for children 21 and under. Tack an extra $5 for reserved seating. Combo packages for the weekend are also available. Gates on Sunday open at 9am, and the first cars hit the track at 10:45am.

Favorites: Brett Hearn, Jerry Higbie, Stewart Friesen, Duane Howard
Dark Horse: Tyler Dippel, Tim Hindley, Mike Mahaney

Who’s Hot, Who’s Not:

Hot: Stewart Friesen
Coming off of his 4th career Syracuse 200 win and a $50,000 paycheck, he still has a lot to look forward to. He locked up the $15,000 Short Track Super Series championship by taking the green flag at I-88 during the Short Track SuperNationals as well. Who can stop this man? He will be more than happy to steal another $35,000+ this weekend.

Hot: Jimmy Phelps
He won the Salute to the Troops 150 on Saturday, followed it up with a third on Sunday in the Syracuse 200, and then finished 6th in the Fall Nationals at Brockville. He has home turf coming up, and is gearing up to defend it.

Hot: Danny Johnson
Two satellite wins during Super Dirt Week on two of the upcoming tracks on the schedule. Danny is keeping the wheels turning, especially following SDW up with a 4th place finish at the Fall Nationals.

Not: Matt Sheppard
Points leader yes, but he has had a rough handful of races. He retired early in the Outlaw 200 at Fulton Speedway, didn’t find much in the small block satellite events during SDW, and finished 25th on Sunday at the mile. Brockville turned him upside down a bit, literally, as he rolled his primary car in the heat. Sheppard needs some momentum going into Charlotte, or the points lead will go away quick.

Not: Tim Fuller
In his first season back behind the wheel of a modified full time, he has had obvious struggles. Sitting 7th in points, a win would shine a good bit of needed light on the season. Don’t ever expect him to give up though, as he has a lot of fight left.

Not: Larry Wight

Have to hand it to him, the kid is FAST, but unlucky. After sitting on the pole for the Syracuse 200, he finished a miserable 41st. He only completed 87 laps on Saturday. He broke after 12 laps in Brockville. And don’t get me started on the satellite events. The win at Cornwall was the peak of his season. A nice payday would dampen the sting of Super Dirt Week though.

Article by Daylon Barr

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Efficiency is the Key

Recently I was sitting through a marathon show on a cold night at the race track and it hit me. Efficiency is the key when it comes to tracks getting support from fans nowadays.  Being a die hard fan, I'm most likely going to go to the race track regardless, but the less and less people you see at a race track and that track runs a show that is not run efficiently, you can rest assured that they have no one to blame but themselves.  Look we all love dirt track racing, that is besides the points, but a show that has numerous breaks and takes forever will run fans to different race tracks more often then they will win new fans over.

If you look at race tracks that are well respected among racing fans, they all seemingly run efficient shows.  I am a firm believer that any show that has a support division should never have a break.  The show should run freely from one heat race to another, and then when feature time comes runs from one feature to a victory lane interview straight into another feature is a track that I respect and will support as long as the racing is enjoyable.  A race track that never has anything ready is a track that is being run inefficiently.  For instance, when I'm at the race track with all of the technology that is available to us today I will have heat race lineups immediately after time trials.  So why are there certain race tracks that if I can put together the heat lineups immediately after time trials, cannot post heat lineups until right before the heats are supposed to start.  This is inefficiency at its best.  There is no reason that any race track that is running a time trial show to not post heat lineups within 5 minutes of time trials being completed.

One of the major infractions of efficiency that you see with race tracks is the inability to keep the show moving.  Most race tracks are very good at this, but there are some instances, and we've all been there and done that where you feel like you are being held hostage at a race track.  Sometimes this is due to breaks in the programs, but a lot of times this is due to the fact that the track is running too many divisions in one night.  If you are running a major event with a high paying purse, or a sanctioned event there is no reason to have more then 2 support classes.  Any more then that and you are just prolonging the show, and there are plenty of people who will stay home when they see a ton of support divisions on the schedule.  Another infraction that is a minor one but still eats up too much time is extended warm ups.  There is no reason for a race track to run warm up sessions that are longer then 3-4 laps.  It's a period to warm up the cars, not run a warm up session that runs more laps then the heat races.

Now there are reasons for a show to drag on that are acceptable.  If there is a long and extended red flag period for a wreck that is out of the track's control, and the track is being inefficient by taking the proper amount of time to ensure the safety of the drivers involved in the accident.  Other then that though if a show lasts more then 4 hours, it's just too much.  Another instance where a track can take some time that is acceptable is if they take a little extra time to work on the racing surface when it is not racy.  We all want to see a good show and if the track prep isn't good to start out with there is nothing wrong with putting some water on the track to ensure a good feature race.

Look, we all love dirt track racing, but if you're being honest with yourself you enjoy a show that is run as quickly and efficiently as possible, and that is something that all race tracks should be striving to do.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekend Scoreboard

And what a weekend it was. Scott Bloomquist dominated the DTWC in a race that featured very little passing whatsoever. Paul McMahan took a well deserved World of Outlaw win at Lawrenceburg. Bud Kaeding took the honors in the 22nd annual Trophy Cup. Thomas Meseraull earned himself a $10,000 novelty check in USAC action and Carey Terrance got some of the bitter taste out of his mouth from a disappointing Syracuse run to collect the win in Super DIRTcar Series action at Brockville on Saturday night. And lastly but not least, Max McLaughlin and Jake Hawkins each took wins at the annual King of the Carolinas modified weekend!   We like to keep it all on one page here at TDN, so here's our weekend scoreboard

Saturday October 17:

Lucas Oil Late Models - Dirt Track World Championship- Portsmouth Raceway Park (OH)- $100,000 to win

1. Scott Bloomquist  2. Jared Landers  3. Don O'Neal  4. Rod Conley  5. Josh Richards
6. Steve Francis  7. Darrell Lanigan  8. Dustin Linville  9. Dennis Erb Jr.  
10. Eddie Carrier Jr.  11. Chris Brown  12. Jason Feger  13. Jonathan Davenport
14. Rod Conley  15. Alex Ferree  16. Jackie Boggs  17. Rick Eckert  18. Jason Montgomery
19. Earl Pearson Jr  20. Audie Swartz  21. Brandon Sheppard  22. Bobby Pierce
23. Greg Johnson  24. Zach Dohm  25. Devin Moran  26. Jimmy Owens

22nd Annual Trophy Cup- Tulare Thunderbowl Raceway (CA)


1. Terry McCarl  2. Sheldon Haudenschild  3. Dusty Zomer  4. Bud Kaeding  5. Willie Croft
6. Carson Macedo  7. Jac Haudenshild  8. Shane Golobic  9. Sean Becker  10. Jason Meyers
11. Jonathan Allard  12. Cory Eliason  13. Ryan Bernal  14. Tim Kaeding  15. Craig Stidham
16. Justyn Cox  17. Rico Abreu  18. Jason Statler  19. Tyler Walker  20. Kyle Hirst
21. Andy Forsburg  22. Mitchell Faccinto  23. Travis Rilat  24. DJ Netto

Final Standings:

1. Bud Kaeding  2. Carson Macedo  3. Terry McCarl  4. Sheldon Haudenschild
5. Willie Croft  6. Jason Meyers  7. Shane Golobic  8. Dusty Zomer  9. Jac Haudenschild
10. Sean Becker

USAC Sprint Fall Nationals at Lawrenceburg Speedway (IN) - $10,000 to win

1. Thomas Meseraull  2. Kevin Thomas Jr.  3. CJ Leary  4. Brady Bacon  5. Chris Windom
6. Kody Swanson  7. Chase Stockon  8. Scotty Weir  9. Jon Stanbrough  10. Robert Ballou
11. Tracy Hines  12. Chad Boespflug  13. Justin Grant  14. Jarrett Andretti
15. Dave Darland  16. Aaron Farney  17. Max McGhee  18. Jerry Coons Jr  19. Dustin Ingle
20. Logan Jarrett  21. Garrett Abrams  22. Kyle Cummins

Super DIRT Car Series at Brockville Speedway (Ont, CAN)

1. Carey Terrance  2. Gary Tomkins  3. Chris Raabe  4. Danny Johnson  5. Matt Sheppard
6. Jimmy Phelps  7. Mario Clair  8. Billy Decker  9. Tim Fuller  10. Jordan McCreadie
11. Yan Bussiere  12. Mat Williamson  13. Pat Ward  14. Rich Scagliotta  15. Rick Wilson
16. Brett Hearn  17. Dave Rauscher  18. Billy Dunn  19. Keith Flach  20. Danny O'Brien
21. Ryan Arbuthnot  22. Danny Bilodeau  23. Pat O'Brien  24. Ryan Poole  
25. Brian McDonald  26. Kenny Polite  27. Kyle Dingwall  28. Larry Wight
29. Jason Riddell  30. Steve Bernard

Lucas Oil ASCS- Devil's Bowl Speedway- (TX)

1. Sam Hafertepe Jr.  2. Wayne Johnson  3. Matt Covington  4. Seth Bergman  5. Joe Wood
6. Aaron Reutzel  7. Channin Tankersley  8. Jordan Weaver  9. Johnny Herrera  
10. Kevin Ramey  11. Danny Jennings  12. Blake Hahn  13. Chance Morton  14. John Carney
15. Harli White  16. James Mosher  17. Dustin Gates  18. Koby Barksdale  
19. Zach Chappell  20. Kris Miller  21. Raymond Seeman  22. Shawn Petersen
23. Raven Culp

Super Late Model "Deep Fried 75" Duck River Raceway Park (TN)  $12,000 to win

1. Frank Heckenast Jr.  2. Dale McDowell  3. Ronnie Lee Hollingsworth  4. Michael Chilton
5. Billy Moyer Jr.  6. Josh Putnam  7. Cody Mahoney  8. Riley Hickman  9. Wendell Wallace
10. Brad Skinner  11. Vic Hill 12. Billy Ogle Jr.  13. Dylan Ames  14. Stacy Boles 
15. Terry English  16. Eric Cooley  17. Oakley Jones  18. Skylar Marlar  19. Tanner English
20. Donald Johns  21. Donald McIntosh  22. Ryan Gifford  23. David Seibers  
24. Jason Welshan  25. Jay Brinkley

Super Late Model "Delaware State Championships"  Delaware Int'l Speedway $8,065 to win

1. Ricky Elliot  2. Dylan Evans  3. Mark Pettyjohn  4. Austin Hubbard  5. Bryan Bernheisel
6. Jim Berhneisel  7. Shaun Jones  8. Donald Lingo Jr.  9. Herb Tunis  10. Joe Warren
11. Kellie Lewis  12. Kelly Putz  13. Andrew Millins  14. Devin Friese  15. Nick Davis
16. Chuck Schultz  17. Brandon Dennis  18. Kenny Pettyjohn  19. Rob Schirmer
20. Bob Geiger  21. Amanda Whaley  22. Ross Robinson

Ultimate Super Late Model Series - Cochran Motor Speedway  (GA)

1. Chris Madden  2. Casey Roberts  3. Brian Connor  4. Jordan Nipper  5. Montana Dudley
6. Hunter Peacock  7. Dennis Franklin  8. Ivedent Lloyd Jr.  9. Cody King
10. Mike Nasworthy  11. Jay Elliot  12. Jason Croft  13. Lance Brasington  
14. Dustin Mitchell  15. Russell Brown Jr.  16. Brian Ligon  17. TJ Reaid
18. John Henderson Jr.  19. Benji Cole  20. Frank Ingram  21. Jimmy Sharpe Jr.
22. Jim Manka  23. Steven Roberts  24. Casey Barrow

Carolina Clash Late Model Series- King of Carolinas- Carolina Speedway (NC)

1. Jacob Hawkins 2. Johnny Pursley  3. Ross Bailes  4. Donald Bradshear  
5. Anthony Sanders  6. Jay Sessoms  8. Ben Watkins  9. Chase McCormick  
10. Robbie Bailey  11. Doug Sanders  12. Brian Ledbetter  13. Jason Womack  
14. Joey Coulter  15. Tim Allen  16. Zack Mitchell  17. Josh Langley  18. Greg Clark
19. Kevin Wilson  20. Jonathan Edwards

Friday October 16

World of Outlaw Sprints at Lawrenceburg Speedway (IN)

1. Paul McMahan  2. Shane Stewart  3. Donny Schatz  4. David Gravel  5. Kerry Madsen
6. Daryn Pittman  7. Christopher Bell  8. Joey Saldana  9. Dale Blaney  10. Cap Henry
11. Lucas Wolfe  12. Kerry Madsen  13. Brady Bacon  14. Cole Duncan  15. Greg Wilson
16. Gary Taylor  17. Jason Sides  18. Paul May  19. Mike Kuemper  20. Logan Schuchart
21. Jason Johnson  22. Bill Balog  23. Chad Kemenah  24. Steve Kinser
25. Kory Crabtree

22nd Annual Trophy Cup- Tulare Thunderbowl Raceway (CA)

Friday Feature:

1. Bud Kaeding  2. Jason Meyers  3. Shane Golobic  4. Mitchell Faccinto  5. Kyle Hirst
6. Carson Macedo  7. Justyn Cox  8. Terry McCarl  9. Brock Lemley  10. Craig Stidham
11. Jake Morgan  12. Ryan Bernal  13. Reece Goetz  14. Dusty Zomer  15. Tyler Walker
16. Sheldon Haudenschild  17. Jonathan Allard  18. Rico Abreu  19. Roger Crockett
20. Shawn Becker  21. Tim Kaeding  22. Andy Forsberg  23. Colby Copeland
24. Ryan Robinson

Thursday Make Up Feature:

1. Rico Abreu  2. Bud Kaeding  3. Tim Kaeding  4. Sean Becker  5. Jason Statler 
6. Shane Golobic  7. Jonathan Allard  8. Jac Haudenschild  9.  Mitchell Faccinto
10. Andy Forsberg  11. Heath Duinkerken  12. Jason Meyers  13. Tyler Walker
14. Willie Croft  15. Travis Rilat  16. Tyler Seavey  17. Andy Gregg  18. Terry McCarl
19. Steven Tiner  20. Reece Goetz  21. Ryan Robinson  22. Dusty Zomer  
23. Craig Stidham  24. Ryan Bernal

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dirt Track World Championship Preview

There is a chill in the air and in the racing world that can only mean one thing, the Dirt Track World Championship is just around the corner.  This weekend at the Portsmouth Raceway Park, the Lucas Oil Dirt Series will sanction the major event.  For the first time in the history of the event it will be paying $100,000 to the winner.  This event has a long history that dates back to the historic Pennsboro Speedway where Jim Dunn came from the rear to win the first ever DTWC event.  The event has grown over the years and Carl Short has turned it into the second biggest event in Late Model racing behind the World 100.


Jonathan Davenport - Davenport has to be considered the favorite in this show.  His track record in 2015 includes 12 Lucas Oil victories and he will clinch the Lucas Oil championship by showing up this weekend at Portsmouth.  He won both major events at Eldora this year, and he won the North/South 100 as well.  He has won too many crown jewel events to name so far this season and doesn't look to be slowing down.  Davenport will be a contender for the richest DTWC winner's share in history this weekend.

Scott Bloomquist - If Davenport is favorite #1, then Bloomquist has to be 1-A.  Bloomquist is the most recent Lucas Oil winner at Portsmouth and he is also the defending champion of the DTWC which was also held at Portsmouth.  The track fits Bloomquist's style and Bloomquist has also had a way of finding victory lane in the biggest of events.  

Top Contenders

Jimmy Owens - Owens has had a down year by his standards but he has been knocking on the door for a big victory this season for a while now.  He was leading the North/South before contact from behind by the lapped car of John Gill took him out of contention.  His track record at Portsmouth is very good as well.  He won the event there previously, and he has not finished outside the top 5 in the three runnings of the event at Portsmouth.

Mike Marlar - Marlar has been on fire ever since bringing a Capital chassis into his stable.  Marlar has never won a crown jewel event but he has lasted 100 laps in numerous big events including Knoxville just a few weeks ago.  Jared Landers was the surprise winner of that event, and while Marlar wouldn't be a surprise it feels as if anyone winning outside of Davenport or Bloomquist would be an upset at this point.  Look for Marlar to be in contention on Saturday.

Don O'Neal - O'Neal is another driver with a pretty good track record at Portsmouth who hasn't experienced as much success this year as what he's used to.  He has been much faster as of late though, and I would look for O'Neal to be a contender on Saturday.

Jared Landers - The winner of this year's Knoxville Late Model Nationals has been tough lately, and after knocking off his first major crown jewel victory in years just a few weeks ago, it wouldn't surprise me to see him in victory lane Saturday at Portsmouth

Brandon Sheppard - Remember that guy that won both his qualifying features at Eldora for the World 100, but then failed to qualify for the feature?  Yea he's pretty good and he also took home the win in the DTWC at Portsmouth a few years back while running the Rocket house car.  I look for Sheppard to have a good night on Saturday

Darkhorse Picks

Jackie Boggs - Mr. Portsmouth himself.  Boggs has always ran good at Portsmouth and is a real threat to win this weekend.  Here's the key though, the hard driving Boggs has to be able to last 100 laps to win the show.  If he can save the car enough don't be surprised to see Boggs picking up the popular victory on Saturday.

Devin Moran - Moran has run good at Portsmouth recently and knows the track well.  While Moran may  be very young, he has a great pedigree and a father who has won all the major races.  If Moran is going to pick up a crown jewel soon, this could be the one.

Bobby Pierce - Pierce has been on fire lately and had one of the fastest cars at Eldora during the World 100 just about a month ago.  It should come as no surprise if Pierce picks up his first career crown jewel win at Portsmouth.

One thing is for sure the event will be interesting.  With the double heat, passing points format on Friday it will force guys to race hard and earn their respective starting positions for the 100 lap feature on Saturday night.  Look for a great show, and if you can make it I highly recommend making the trip.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

This Week In DIRT- The Nyquil Edition

Well, we're a tad late to the party this week, but better late than never. You see, we were doing this great Super DIRT Week Pick'Em Contest to coincide with the final running at the Moody Mile, and then we got sick and loaded up on a little more Nyquil than one normally would like to take.  Great thing about Nyquil is the sensory experience which borders on hallucination!

 It can expand your mind and allow you to see and feel things you wouldn't normally observe because you're too busy. It's not unlike a cheap peyote to be completely honest, just don't operate heavy machinery, or forget important stuff like deadlines or people's birthdays and such. The stuff works wonders on colds too!

So if you felt under the weather, or perhaps just got out of jail, or were in a Nyquil induced coma, don't worry, we're here to help!  Now here's what you missed This Week In DIRT!

Friesen Delivers As Expected; Phelps Given Ticket

In the vein of death and taxes, a third certainty has emerged in the equation as Stewart Friesen once again powered to front of the 43 car pack on the Moody Mile. Every driver on the track and every fan in the stands knew it was coming, and they could do absolutely nothing about it either, especially the fans.  Friesen held off a determined Kenny Tremont who shot himself in the foot in a late hunt for the lead by unwittingly driving over a hole-y portion of turns one and two repeatedly. Okay, so maybe it was wittingly, but still, he did not help him run down the soon to be four-time champion who was the class of the field again.

Rick Sweeten Images
Thanks to a few choice politicians in upstate NY who have yet to remove their heads from their rear ends, the Moody Mile portion of the longstanding Super DIRT Week will now come to a close after being the most meaningful race in the northeast for the last 44 years. And that's a shame. But a new tradition will be undertaken at the parcel of land known as Central New York Raceway Park which should be open by next October. In order to facilitate that, fans may elect to bring a shovel to help in land clearing operations as soon as the frozen tundra thaws in late March/early April.

In other Super DIRT Week News, veteran racer and good guy Jimmy Phelps won the annual "Salute the Troops 150"- 358 Modified portion of Super DIRT Week, but was shocked to see a state trooper in his pits after the race who promptly handed him a ticket for failure to come to a complete stop on his mandatory pit stop. However we were under the influence of Nyquil, so maybe it was some other guy. Regardless, Phelps had a strong run at the mile with the win and a top five in the 200 and had perhaps his best second half of the season in years.

To check out everything you needed to know about this year's Super DIRT Week but were afraid to here:  SuperDirtWeekOnline

BREAKING:  Just Announced, Friesen Stripped of Championship! ....made ya look! Seriously, James Michael Friesen has just been stripped of his Sportsman Modified Championship with an illegal engine. Rocky Warner has now been awarded first place, assuming his engine was legal which there's not much reason to doubt.

Madden Delivers South Carolina Tail Kentucky

Just like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it. Chris Madden has ridden lots of bikes over the course of his life, Schwinn, BMX, touring and he's also driven 800 horsepower machines to victory with amazing consistency in the southeast for years. Until this year when he took a four month absence. He'd put the car on the track a few times before this weekend in recent weeks, and proving the bicycle theory, he didn't forget how to get it done, winning a $25,000 novelty check at Ponderosa Speedway, KY in Southern Nationals bonus series action on Saturday night.  Madden was seen riding back to the hauler in a girls, banana seat bicycle complete with horn, basket and those frilly things on the handlebars.

Top 5

1. Chris Madden
2. Scott Bloomquist
3. Mike Marlar
4. Michael Chilton
5. Dustin Linville

Bagley Picks Cotton

Yes, World of Outlaw late model driver Morgan Bagley picked cotton, and it might not have even been the first time he's done so. But it is the first time he's ever done so in victory lane!  Bagley regined supreme at the Cotton Pickin 100 at Magnolia Motor Speedway (MS). Bagley bested a strong field en route to his first big career paycheck that included the likes of Bobby Pierce, Brandon Sheppard, Steve Francis and others.  An emotional Bagley held back tears in victory lane....and went about the business of picking cotton.
Pat Miller Photo

Top 5

1. Morgan Bagley
2. Dale McDowell
3. Dennis Erb Jr.
4. Don O'Neal
5. Billy Moyer Jr.

To read more about the late model goings on from this weekend, subscribe to

Schatz wins....wait a minute, Kemenah Dominates Weekend
Pat Miller Photo

Donny Schatz won at Rolling Wheels Speedway this weekend in WoO Sprint action. But only because Chad Kemenah wasn't there.  The Ohio based sprint car veteran swept a pair of races this weekend, first at Eldora Speedway on Saturday night besting a very tough 42 car field for the final race of the All Star Sprint season, and he followed it up with a victory at Millstream Speedway (OH) on Sunday. For Kemenah, it was an emotional home state weekend and a feel good story for a guy tha has earned respect, fans, and a reputation as a clean, hard driver.

Final score, Kemenah 2  Schatz 1.  

All Star Sprints at Eldora Speedway:

1. Chad Kemenah
2. Dale Blaney
3. Steve Kinser
4. Tim Shaffer
5. Rico Abreu

410 Sprints at Millstream Speedway (OH)

1 Chad Kemenah
2. Bryan Clauson
3. Logan Forler
4. Ian Madsen
5. Kody Swanson

And that'll do it for this week folks! Stay DIRTY, and stay off the Nyquil!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Top Western PA Sprint Driver to be Decided at the Stampede

Drivers and fans alike can argue until they're blue in the face over who's the best in the area. What if I told you that we could save you the trouble, shouting matches, and fistfights by providing a formula that will crown the worthy champion in every region of the Northeast, including Western PA.

Our Northeast Sprint Car Championship presented by R&R Racewear has been running since late March. Drivers score points for a good finish, but the points awarded are dependent upon how many drivers were entered that night. For example, taking the checkers with only 18 cars in the pits will earn you 3 points, while topping the 49 car field at the National Open garners a staggering 5 points.

While Central PA foes Greg Hodnett and Danny Dietrich are having a cage match for the top spot, the Western Pennsylvania area has been hands down the most competitive and even across the field.

The Steel City Stampede (Oct. 23-24) at the historic Lernerville Speedway will likely be the deciding factor for who takes home the crown as Western PA's top driver.

These 4 drivers still have a shot at getting the top spot in the area:
1. Jack Sodeman, Jr [22]
2. A.J. Flick [21]
3. Brandon Matus [19]
4. Carl Bowser [18]

So how have those drivers stacked up at the Sarver, PA oval this season? 

Jack Sodeman, Jr (@Sodeman23jr)
Sodeman struggled early on but really hit his stride later in the year. In 2015 he garnered four podium finishes at Lernerville including a win on August 14th.

A.J. Flick (@CompleteChaos2)
The recent college graduate (Penn State) just won the Lernerville track championship in only his 2nd year of racing 410's. His nine podium finishes at the track led all drivers, two of which he ended up in victory lane.

Brandon Matus (@BrandonMatus_13)
The Wheelman out of Wampum, PA had his championship bid fall short by only 7 points. He failed to find victory lane at Lernerville this season but was oh so close on a number of occasions, evidenced by his three runner-up finishes.

Carl Bowser (@carlbowser)
The Boggsville Bullet encountered his fair share of issues, but when he was on there was no stopping him. Bowser only finished in the top 3 on five occasions, all of which were feature victories. The five wins led all sprint car drivers.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

2015 Super Dirt Week Pick'Em Contest Scoring Page

Wow! She came from a handful of points down on night one, and sealed the deal with the win on Sunday! The winner of the Inaugural Super DIRT Week Pick'Em Contest is Mrs Missle! Also on the podium are John LoPresto and The Penetrator......Mr. Shayne Pierce, who was fairly close to actually driving in the 200!!  We'd like to thank every single one of you for playing and hope you had a great time! And we'll do it again for 2016, we had a great turnout!  Thanks everyone again for playing!!

Final Standings:

 Pos. Entry Name Points
 1 55 Mrs. Missle 175
 2 51 John Lo Presto 165
 3 17 The Penetrator 160
 4 31 Calvin Knapp 160
 5 49 Krystina Lloyd 160
 6 3 Darrin Davis 155
 7 12 Jason Skow 155
 8 24 Josh Guttin 155
 9 33 Buzz 155
 10 5 Jared Butcosk 150
 11 26 Scott Van Luven 150
 12 65 Greg 150
13 53 Krystine Wason 150
14 62 Bill Naughright 150
15 82 Beckster01 150
16 40 Brock Murphy 145
17 42 Julie 145
18 48 Larry Wrobel 145
19 1 Tim Gunter 140
20 8 Roger Everts 140
21 32 uNLeashed410 140
22 76 ggorton 140
23 73 RIch Berry 140
24 29 Ariana Arsenault 135
25 47 Nerfbar 135
26 71 JD 135
27 78 Casey 135
28 52 Trevor Hawkins 135
29 75 James Bivighouse 135
30 69 Tommy Schirnhofer 135
31 81 Levi Vander Weide 135
32 6 cme1235 130
33 13 Lucas Punkari 130
34 21 Aaron Clay 130
35 27 Troy Ruth 130
36 28 Kyle Symons 130
37 36 Mo Wanchuk 130
38 37 Tyler Beichner 130
39 44 Steve  C 130
40 68 Josh Bayko 130
41 79 PA Posse 130
42 58 Jason Stearns 130
43 25 Matt 125
44 19 High Wide and Handsome 125
45 18 Jake Booth 125
46 22 Moandtracy 125
47 35 Ric Blevins 125
48 77 Kyle Stramaski 125
49 46 Mark Flick 125
50 23 Mighty Casey 120
51 63 TH39 120
52 45 Keith Fassett 120
53 54 buell12cc 120
54 67 D1rtInMyBeer 120
55 56 Scott Priester 120
56 57 Jarret Zendt 120
57 14 AJ Flick 115
58 7 Kim Gerber 115
59 11 Brian Knox 115
60 15 Pat Miller 115
61 16 Michelle Kennedy 115
62 50 Destiny Sheldon 115
63 72 Zeek 115
64 4 Whitney Wallace 110
65 41 Thomas Getz 110
66 83 Tyler Quinn 110
67 74 Howard Carr 110
68 10 Guy Fortier 105
69 34 Patti Butler 105
70 39 Bob Pine 105
71 64 Cody 105
72 43 Eggy 105
73 2 Andrew Loria 100
74 20 Doug England 100
75 59 Brighton Speedway Mark 100
76 70 James Dandy 100
77 80 Krystal 100
78 38 Janna Knapp 95
79 9 James Barber 90
80 30 Jason Thomas 90
81 61 Rich Watkins 90
82 66 Dobie 85
83 60 Mike Davies42 70

And the Triple 20's are in the books and we have some scores to update! Remember, if you picked Larry Wight in your selections you already had 10 points as he set quick time on Thursday.  The points for the triple 20's went as follows:  Win= 15: Top 5 = 10: Top 10 = 5.

Here's the Points Table headed into Sunday's 200 lap finale:

Pos. Entry Name Points

1 3 Darrin Davis 80
2 17 The Penetrator 80
3 1 Tim Gunter 75
4 12 Jason Skow 75
5 31 Calvin Knapp 75
6 51 John Lo Presto 75
7 55 Mrs. Missle 75
8 65 Greg 75
9 24 Josh Guttin 70
10 25 Matt 70
11 26 Scott Van Luven 70
12 36 Mo Wanchuk 70
13 42 Julie 70
14 49 Krystina Lloyd 70
15 29 Ariana Arsenault 65
16 33 Buzz 65
17 41 Thomas Getz 65
18 47 Nerfbar 65
19 53 Krystine Wason 65
20 62 Bill Naughright 65
21 63 TH39 65
22 71 JD 65
23 78 Casey 65
24 82 Beckster01 65
25 23 Mighty Casey 60
26 16 Michelle Kennedy 55
27 5 Jared Butcosk 55
28 32 uNLeashed410 55
29 45 Keith Fassett 55
30 48 Larry Wrobel 55
31 50 Destiny Sheldon 55
32 44 Steve  C 55
33 76 ggorton 55
34 4 Whitney Wallace 50
35 19 High Wide and Handsome 50
36 38 Janna Knapp 50
37 40 Brock Murphy 50
38 52 Trevor Hawkins 50
39 68 Josh Bayko 50
40 75 James Bivighouse 50
41 79 PA Posse 50
42 6 cme1235 45
43 8 Roger Everts 45
44 13 Lucas Punkari 45
45 14 AJ Flick 45
46 18 Jake Booth 45
47 21 Aaron Clay 45
48 22 Moandtracy 45
49 27 Troy Ruth 45
50 59 Brighton Speedway Mark 45
51 35 Ric Blevins 45
52 58 Jason Stearns 45
53 69 Tommy Schirnhofer 45
54 70 James Dandy 45
55 73 RIch Berry 45
56 77 Kyle Stramaski 45
57 81 Levi Vander Weide 45
58 83 Tyler Quinn 45
59 2 Andrew Loria 40
60 7 Kim Gerber 40
61 10 Guy Fortier 40
62 11 Brian Knox 40
63 15 Pat Miller 40
64 20 Doug England 40
65 34 Patti Butler 40
66 37 Tyler Beichner 40
67 39 Bob Pine 40
68 46 Mark Flick 40
69 54 buell12cc 40
70 61 Rich Watkins 40
71 64 Cody 40
72 67 D1rtInMyBeer 40
73 72 Zeek 40
74 80 Krystal 40
75 28 Kyle Symons 35
76 43 Eggy 35
77 56 Scott Priester 35
78 57 Jarret Zendt 35
79 66 Dobie 35
80 74 Howard Carr 35
81 9 James Barber 30
82 60 Mike Davies42 30
83 30 Jason Thomas 25

Here's how the drivers in our contest scored on Saturday:

Friesen- 15
Wight- 15
Terrance- 15
Tremont- 10
Sheppard- 10
Hearn- 10
Decker- 10
Howard- 10
Ward- 10
Phelps- 10
Coffey- 10
Cozze- 10
Dunn- 10
Danny Johnson- 5
Fuller- 5
Blaney- 5
Horton- 5
Williamson- 5
Laubach- 5
Heffner- 5
Godown- 0
Bachetti- 0
Alan Johnson- 0
Tomkins- 0
Britten- 0