
Sunday, December 10, 2017

This Week In DIRT; PRI Announcements Confirm What Many Knew For Weeks Anyway; Do Race Fuel Candles Really Smell Great Or

It's been a while since we've done TWID, and it's a great time to start it back up as the annual off season shuffle is upon is with a full head of steam.  The money makers and deal breakers were out in full force at the annual Performance Racing Industry Trade Show in Indianapolis. Every top racing sanction, parts manufacturer, media type, drivers and die hard fan was there, well most of them anyway, to meet up and discuss plans for the 2018 season.

There were announcements, car debuts, and dealers making deals amidst the back drop of endless alcoholic beverages, hotel parties and maybe even a few members of the world's oldest profession.

But that's enough about that.  So, if you were busy Christmas shopping all week, or trying to get a kiss from someone with a mistletoe hat, or maybe drowning in a bottle of whiskey. Who knows? It's none of our business, but if you'd like to see what you may have missed, you've come to the right place! We hope anyway...

John Stivason Photo

Silly Season Moving Along:

Once again, the silly season is upon us. We have no idea who coined this phrase as it applies to dirt racing, there's really nothing silly about any of the announcements, they're just kind of well....announcements.  Rumors abound this time of year and at least at PRI the things that we hear on a daily basis can be confirmed with proper media in attendance and sponsor photo opportunities. This way, fans can stay home from work perhaps and stay on social media every single second while their breakfast burns on the stove, so they can become the first to post the announcements in their social media pages, garnering hundreds of likes and favorites in the process.  PRI has become an important deal in this regard over the years.

But anyhow, here were the biggest details with regards to all the driver and team swapping, new team formation, plans for 2018 and so forth, it's all on our annual TDN Silly Season Page, which is tucked neatly on the side of our website for your quick reference! It's got Winged and Wingless 410 Sprint news, Super Late Model News, and North East/Big Block Modified news. There currently is no section for 4 Cylinder or FWD news, Stock news or Crate Late Model news, but who knows, maybe we'll start that too in coming years.

To have a look at the latest driver movement and series driver commitment news, click here;

TDN Silly Season Update Page

New Black Market Emerges

Far be it from us to be an ethical judge, but according to our one source in the area who actually attended PRI and delivered some outstanding seminars in the parking garage on a variety of dirt racing topics including a couple of rather unsavory ones, there is perhaps a new black market. Body parts, for car parts.

"Why yes, you can trade in a kidney for a new set of bolt on parts so you can finish fifth instead of tenth at your weekly track." an expression that was overheard several times on the main floor of the convention. But it didn't stop with kidneys apparently as one driver was overheard saying "I'd give my left nut for a new set of shocks." Said one driver was later seen carrying out exactly what he aimed for according to several reports. One driver who offered up his gall bladder for a new GM Crate 602 engine was refused however, and rebuffed again when he offered to throw in a spleen plus an appendix reportedly in good shape.

Is this a new trend? You can certainly function fairly normally without a kidney or other spare body parts, but is it worth it? The verdict is still out on that one.

Dirty Calendar Time

Want a dirty calendar for your wall at work, or the Man Cave.......or even the Woman Cave? We have that right here! Our 2018 TDN Calendar is back and better than ever! Put together by our own staff photographer, Mr. Magic Fingers himself... Patrick Miller. It's only $18! That's less than you spent on that uneventful dinner you ate at PRI over the weekend, and it will stay with you much longer!

For more here 2018 TDN Calendar

Do These Work?

And lastly, we have yet to try these and we need some input.  Do any of you have Race Fuel Candles? Do they work? Do they smell just like the tantalizing scent you get at the track on a warm summer night? Will they cover up the horrible flatulence your friends have been spewing all over your living room?  And lastly, are they worth it? If so, please tell us on social media, we'd like to buy some for ourselves, but also remember when people were telling how good Nutella was five years ago and bought a case of it which still resides in our closets here at Planet TDN with only one jar opened. It was enough.  Thanks for your input!

Remember, on Saturday night, our friends at Speed Shift TV will bring you a fantastic Chili Bowl preview! It's the Junior Knepper 55 from DuQuoin, IL. Don't miss the action as some very big names battle it out indoors LIVE!

Until next time.......stay dirty!

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