
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

World Finals Represents A Dirt Nation

Time for us to go to the place where all dirt roads lead....

We all tend to make it there at some point. Some years we might not make it when things come up, but we're drawn to it regardless. After all, it's the place where the beasts play in all their full glory for three straight nights. It transcends divisional preference. The curiosity of the event and novelty factor have long worn off by now, virtually everyone in the stands is a fans of all three of them..the World of Outlaw Sprints, Late Models and Super Dirt Car Series Big Block Modifieds. And that, is probably the weekend's greatest contribution to the national dirt racing event assortment. It's an event that brings people together.

The Knoxville Nationals, World 100 and Super Dirt Week are some of the finest events on the planet for any dirt racing enthusiast. The Chili Bowl may very well be in a league of it's own as a unique event across any type of motor sports.  The festivities about to get underway at The Dirt Track at Charlotte, those are in a different category altogether.

All of the aforementioned have a sense of togetherness in the grandstands. But the annual World of Outlaw World Finals have a unique sense of it. The fans come from all over the world, and not just Canada and Australia, there have actually been attendees from England and the Netherlands as well  other places and all 50 American states. Some may love one of the three a little more than the others, but if you haven't been noticing lately, there are far fewer fans getting up and exiting the stands during certain races.  And when one takes their seat in their sections, they begin to renew acquaintances with the fans they now see every year at this time. Beers are shared, memories are made and the same faces keep reappearing year after year. Fans have seen the three-division, four-wide salute for several years now, and it still makes the hair stand up for many of us, just as it did the first time we saw it. It's a pride moment, in a weekend full of them. And the moments contain things we all hold dear.

A dirt family? Yes it is, and perhaps it's the purest in dirt racing aside from weekly shows. That's what it's become. They come from everywhere and they all love the same thing and three different things at the same time. And that is what sets it apart. But perhaps family is not quite a strong enough expression. The phrase Dirt Nation makes a better one.

Nation (noun)
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory

It's truly a nation we're a part of come Thursday night. And we couldn't be happier about that. And as we prepare to make our way to our nation's gathering, we sincerely hope you enjoy the racing, wish you safe travels, and await to meet again, to the place where all dirt roads lead. The place where we're at our happiest, making memories that last forever, and basking in one more night at the track together before the harsh realities of winter sets in.   Savor it Dirt Nation, it's our time to be together..for one last time.

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