
Monday, August 15, 2016

The TDN Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 15

Hey there folks, tis' Monday so that means I'm here to update you on the rankings I keep here on TDN. As shown by the picture leading this week's writeup, weather was a challenge. I'll be perfectly honest here, this one was the easiest one of these I've written all year.

Exactly three out of the eight tracks I score got their show in this week, Lernerville, Bedford, and Eriez (who had a WoO LM special, and thusly, scored using the special WoO points scale I came up with for this year's poll). Dog Hollow announced last week that they were "taking two weeks off", so obliviously, no points to be scored there. All of the Saturday night tracks rained out, except for Port Royal, who had an off night scheduled anyway.

So, yeah, that meant the time it took me to compile this week's points took all of about five minutes. I'm not really going to complain about that. Gives me a little more time to play with my kid before she goes to bed. I'm never going to pass up extra family time. Now that I have a kid, I totally understand why Brian Birkhofer and Brady Smith got out (and it looks like Bub McCool may be headed down the same road...).

Anyways, let's get to them rankings. I mean, that's the whole reason this article even exists, right?

1. Max Blair******, 73 points. Max ran fourth at Eriez Sunday.

2. Alex Ferree*****, 60 points. Alex came home fifth at Lernerville Friday.

3. Jeff Rine******, 56 points. Jeff was third under the checkers at Bedford Friday.

4. Russ King**, 51 points. Russ was second at Lernerville Friday.

5. Jared Miley****, 47 points. Jared was fourth at Lernerville Friday and third at Eriez Sunday.

6. Dylan Yoder*****, 42 points. Dylan went scoreless this weekend.

7. Rob Blair****, 41 points. Rob's points came from the three "show up" points I give locals for making a WoO show. He ran seventh at said show.

8. Joe Martin**, 35 points. Joe went scoreless this weekend. In non-scoring action, he was fifteenth at Lernerville Friday.

9. Andy Haus**, 31 points. Andy ran second at Bedford Friday.

9. Michael Norris**, 31 points. Michael picked up the win at Lernerville Friday.

 And that's the first ten names on my list this week.  Looks like Max Blair pretty has this locked down for 2016, but the fat lady ain't sung yet. He's had an insanely good year, though, so him winning wouldn't really be a surprise, like, at all.

Check back next Monday for the results after next weekend's racing action. Some of the TDN gang is headed out on a field trip to Tyler County Speedway this coming Saturday. No coverage or anything, we're headed down to drink a few dirty beers and watch some racing at the most badass little bullring in the nation. If you happen to see us, stop by and say what's up. We don't bite, and we always like hearing from our readership.

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