
Monday, July 11, 2016

The TDN Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 10

Hey there folks, another weekend of racing, another week Max Blair rules the standings. But thigs are getting tighter all the time. Just 10 points separating first from fifth in the standings now. And the ties are finally working themselves out. There's just one tie in the top ten this week.

That said, here's how it went down this week. Everybody got their shows in this week except for Dog Hollow, who rained out (but it didn't actually rain) and Roaring Knob, who didn't have super lates on the card this week.

About Dog Hollow... c'mon, really? It rained a bit in the morning, but was clear the rest of the day, with ample time to get the track into shape. Did they try to stick it out? Nope. They called it in the early afternoon, I'm guessing based on the forecast. It never rained. I get not wanting to lose money, I really do, but I don't get not giving yourself a chance to make money. If the forecast is extra  nasty and the rain was a torrential downpour an hour before hotlaps, yes, it makes sense to call it. If the rain was over six hours away from race time and radar shows the system is breaking up, then, no, you're cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Anyways, let's get to the standings...

1. Max Blair****, 45 points. Max got a third at Eriez Sunday. In non-scoring action, he ran second at Stateline Saturday.

2. Jeff Rine*****, 43 points. Jeff ran third at Bedford Friday and picked up the win at Selinsgrove Saturday.

3. Alex Ferree****, 38 points. Alex ran second at Lernerville Friday and backed it up with a second at Marion Center Saturday,

3. Jared Miley****, 38 points. Jared didn't score any points this week. In non-scoring action, he got fifth Saturday night at Tyler County.

5. Russ King*, 35 points. Russ picked up the win Friday night at Lernerville.

6. Dylan Yoder***, 33 points. Dylan ran second Friday night at Bedford and got the win at Port Royal Saturday.

7. Rob Blair**, 27 points. Rob got the win Sunday at Eriez.

8. Joe Martin*, 26 points. Joe ran fourth at Lernerville Friday.

9. Mike Blose**, 22 points. Mike didn't score any points this week, and I didn't see his name in any results from anywhere, either.

10. Andy Haus**, 21 points. Andy got the win at Bedford Friday and ran second at Port Royal Saturday.

And that's the top ten this week. I'll see yinz jags next Monday, same bat time, same bat place. 

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