
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The TDN Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 4

Hey there race fans. Hope you all had a fantastic holiday, and took the time out to honor those that give their lives for your freedom. I decided to delay the poll this week for a couple reasons. One, out of respect for the holiday, and second, because of the Pens game. I suppose it could have been something to peruse in between periods, but I still didn't think many of you would be reading it yesterday anyways.

Remember how I opined that once all the tracks gott thier shows in the rankings would start to unclog the ties and what not? Yeah, well, every track I score got their shows in this weekend, except for Dog Hollow. (Their regular race night was off because they had a special scheduled Sunday. Because it wasn't a regular race night it wouldn't have been scored anyways. That's neither here nor there, the show was cancelled.) Selinsgrove got TWO scoring shows in on their race night, with a rescheduled feature from an earlier rainout on the docket. Bedford had a 3k to win special, so they scored on the less than 5k special format, which means two extra points for all scoring drivers. Everybody else ran a  regular show.

And you know what? There's still ties all over the place. I don't know what'll fix it at this point.

I hope that wasn't too confusing. Let's get to the rankings.

1. Max Blair**, 16 points. Max won the special at Bedford Friday. In other non-scoring weekend action, he ran second at Stateline Saturday.

2. Jeff Rine*, 14 points. Jeff got a a win and a fourth in Selinsgrove's two features this weekend. In other non-scoring action, he got a thirteenth at Bedford Friday.

2. Jared Miley**, 14 points. Jared went scoreless this week. He was at Bedford and qualified well and was scheduled to start the feature on the outside of the front row, but radiator problems ended his night early. He didn't run anywhere else this weekend.

2. Michael Lake**, 14 points. Michael got the win at Lernerville Friday and came home second at Roaring Knob Saturday.

2. Dylan Yoder**, 14 point.  Dylan won at Port Royal Saturday. In other non-scoring action, he ran tenth at Bedford Friday.

6. Gene Knaub*, 10 points. Gene won at Selinsgrove Saturday and ran third at Bedford Friday. In other non-scoring action, he finished twenty second in Selinsgrove's other feature.

6. Greg Oakes*, 10 points. Greg didn't score any points this week.In non-scoring action, he ran fourth at Stateline Saturday and ninth at Eriez Sunday.

8. Rob Blair* 8 points. Rob won at Eriez Sunday. In non-scoring action, he also won the crate feature at Eriez and was eighteenth at Stateleine Saturday.

8. Steve Campbell, 8 points. Steve, amazingly enough, was second in both features at Selinsgrove Saturday. 

 And that's the first nine names on my list this week. I know I usually do ten, but there's another logjam at ten and none of them scored any points this week, so I figured adding them on this week would be a little pointless.

That's it for this week. See yous guys on the normal day and time next week.

P.S. My Birthday is Friday. Feel free to buy me stuff.

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