
Monday, May 16, 2016

TDN's Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 2

Hey there race fans. Tis' Monday and that means it's time to update these here rankings.

This week had Saturday and Sunday night rain out at all the venues I score, and Lernerville didn't have late models scheduled with the All Stars sprint cars in town, so that left a whopping two tracks for me to score this week, Dog Hollow and Bedford. So obviously, there's not a whole lot of movement this week.

On the bright side, though, this coming weekend's forecast looks somewhat better than the last few, so hopefully, all nine tracks get their shows in and we get some movement. I mean, this poll is going to get pretty boring (for you guys, as well as me) if there's never any changes.

So without much further ado, because, well, there isn't a whole lot more  to talk about with all the rain, let's get to the rankings. Gonna just be nine names this week, because there's a whole pile of dudes tied for tenth. All these ties should work themselves out once we actually get some races in.

1. Jared Miley*, 9 points. Jared ran second at Dog Hollow on Friday.

1. Dylan Yoder*, 9 points. Dylan got the win at Bedford Friday, apparently on the last lap.

3. Max Blair*, 5 points. Max watched it rain this week.

3. Chad Hollenbeck*, 5 points. Chad got rained on too.

3. Greg Oakes, 5 points. Greg got wet, too.

3. Michael Lake* 5 points. Michael was first under the checkers at Dog Hollow Friday.

7. Jeff Rine, 4 points. The defending poll champ came home second at Bedford Friday.

7 . Levi Sikora, 4 points. Levi was fourth in the final rundown at Dog Hollow Friday.

7. Mike Blose, 4 points. Mike didn't score any points this week, but he did run 16th at Dog Hollow Friday.

And that's it for this week. Kinda lame, I know, but I can't control the weather. If I could, I'd imagine I'd be the most powerful man in the world. Probably wouldn't have time to do this poll, though..

In any event, same bat time, same bat place and all that jazz next week.

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