
Monday, October 3, 2016

TDN's "The Dirt Lounge" Makes Debut; All Fans Welcome

Calling Dirt Nation's fans, drivers, tracks, and supporters....

In keeping with the spirit of participating in the dirt racing community and the principles of our mission statement, we at TDN had been pondering for some time about how to better serve the fan base. 

And we've come up with a new community! We'd like to take the opportunity today to announce that we have now opened "The Dirt Lounge" a new forum to help fans communicate better and interact and keep abreast of the latest news and notes from all over the country and in our own upper Mid Atlantic geography. 

The community will be kept simple in structure, and will be very much user friendly with easy navigation and almost instant and easy new member process. 

Members can enjoy and expect the following:

  • Up loadable photo avatar
  • Moderated discussion
  • Rules enforcement
  • Useful information not always found on the TDN Front page
  • Announcements of local and national interest
We realize that forums can be a slippery slope. Sometimes things degenerate and lead to negative commentary. We will be making every effort to keep the discussion moving forward in a positive manner, while at the same time respecting those who may offer differing opinions if done so in a reasonable manner. Members should realize that making untrue statements or posting in a matter which may constitute a personal attack will NOT be tolerated whatsoever. There is a complete set of rules which you can find here

We also acknowledge that many forums are currently in use and are popular. We encourage you to visit as many as you normally do, they all have a purpose and serve as a community unto themselves where friendships have been made in many cases. Our forum at TDN does not detract from that or those, but simply offers a new place to interact with each other, and with the staff of TDN as well who will be present in the discussions brought forth. 

So at this time, you may now enroll and become a member, look for the The Dirt Lounge sign on the right side of the TDN homepage to start, and once you've done that, feel free to start topics and engage in the discussion!  We look forward to seeing you there! 

To get started and join the fun:


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