
Monday, October 24, 2016

TDN's 1st Annual "The Great Dirt Survey"

We at The Dirt Network do our part in all that involves being a servant of the sport of dirt racing. And that commitment takes many different forms from journalism, to fan interaction, to pick'em contests and beyond. We take pride in that.

Our initial thought was, that out of concern for the future of the sport, that perhaps a form of fan measurement that turned in usable data, could be beneficial to many different areas of the industry...

And so we have now prepared for you, our first annual "The Great Dirt Survey".  This will be our first attempt going forward, and can be re tuned every year we do it. It will collect responses to an array of questions from where fans are located, how they feel about the current health of the sport, what types of media they use, what shirts they buy, and also will extend to how they feel about National Touring Events and their health, with a detailed and concentrated focus on each individual's home track health too, which is the backbone of the sport.

We feel it is an important measurement to take. And for it work, we need you! Our fan base aka..DIRT NATION to help us by participating.  This data we're collecting can be used to help improve experiences, to help target certain aspects, and to find out what works and what does not so to speak.  For once, fans can use their input to tell not only us, but the people that make the sport happen, how they feel and what they feel about the current state of the sport!

And also, fans can ELECT to add their name and email address at the end to be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa Gift Card! This is not mandatory, and no names or emails collected will be shared, and all will be destroyed once the winner is drawn! This is TDN Policy as we do not share personal information to any sanction, track, or any other entity. The anonymous results, we're currently deciding how to package and re-distribute. However, we will post results from the survey here at TDN as well!

In closing. we'd like to thank all of you for participating. And we encourage to please let your voice be heard, no matter where you're from, what division you love most, or where your loyalties lie, you are a part of the dirt racing family, and this is important work for all of us.  So with that being may take part in the Great Dirt Survey by clicking below! And thanks so much!

TDN's First Annual "The Great Dirt Survey"- Click Here! 

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