
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Counting All Cars- Stampede Ahead At Lernerville- Driver's Questionnaire

Attention all drivers who are planning on attending October 14 and 15.

With the annual Steel City Stampede fast approaching at the action track, we'd like to take the opportunity to ask for a little of your time to help this year's proceedings go as smooth as possible!

Pat Miller Photo

The weekend is a  massive undertaking and to ensure that it runs smoothly, the scoring department could use some assistance with some basic information. It's simple and takes a matter of a few seconds. Just your division, name, car number,  hometown and any achievements, and we can help facilitate all the racing in a more efficient manner.

Pat Miller Photo

Official scorer Tyler Beichner has put together this survey for you. If you can just take a moment and go through it, we can help get all the information preloaded awaiting your arrival which will help speed things up at registration.

To fill out the survey, please CLICK HERE

Thanks very much in advance! Hope to see you all there!

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