
Monday, August 1, 2016

The TDN Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 13

So, yeah, it's Monday and that means I'm wiring some shit about racing like I do every Monday. Thing is, this weekend was mostly a wash, so the champ this week is mother nature. The way the weather is looking right now, this seems to to likely be the case this coming weekend, too. Boo.

But in reality, we're in kind of drought right now here in western PA and the rain was/is much needed. I mean, the lawns in my neighbor hood looked like a farmer's hay fields in October. The rain this past weekend helped that for sure, but as I understand it, we're still well under where where we should be for precipitation this year. It was getting close to the point where water restrictions were coming. You know what that usually means for dirt racing. Thank the racing Gods it didn't get to that point. Yet.

All that said, there was a little racing this weekend. All the Friday night tracks I score got the show in, but that's it. Everybody else was either rained out, or didn't have late models on the schedule and rained out anyways. It was just one of them weekends.

Let's get to the rankings, which look pretty damn similar to last week's.

1. Max Blair*****, 54 points.  Max didn't score any points. Ran the crate Friday at Eriez, where he won and Sunday at Tri City, where he got second.

2. Alex Ferree*****, 50 points. Alex got fourth at Lernerville Friday.

3. Jeff Rine*****, 46 points. Jeff ran third at Bedford Friday.

4. Russ King*, 43 points. Russ ran second at Lernerville Friday.

5. Jared Miley****, 38 points. Jared didn't score any points. I don;t think he raced anywhere this weekend.

6. Dylan Yoder****, 37 points. Dylan didn't score any points. In non-scoring action, he ran eleventh at Bedford Friday.

7. Joe Martin**, 35 points. Joe won at Dog Hollow Friday.

8. Rob Blair****, 34 points. Rob didn't score any points. I don't believe he raced anywhere this weekend.

9. Andy Haus**, 28 points. Andy ran second at Bedford Friday.

10. Michael Lake***, 23 points. Michael didn't score any points this week. In non-scoring action, he ran 13th at Lernerville Friday.

10. Michael Norris*, 23 points. Mike ran third at Lernerville Friday.

And that's the top ten this week. Check back for the updated standings after next weekend's action (if there is any, rorecast looks pretty meh so far).


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