
Monday, June 20, 2016

The TDN Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 7

Hey there folks, tis' Monday and that means I'm about to hit you with the standings in my late model poll. I know It's a bit later than normal today, but I was at Idewild with my wife and kid all day,. Twas' fun, but sticky hot, and now we're all ready to do a whole lot of nothing. Before I get to that lounging, though, let's get to the whole point you read this stuff each week.

All of the scoring tracks involved got shows in this week, and I even got Roaring Knob results on time. That's a first for this season. Dog Hollow and Eriez had specials that bumped the points scored there up to the special level. A lot of points were scored this week, so the standings will reflect that.

Speaking of those standings, here they be.

1. Max Blair***, 36 points. Max got a fourth at Dog Hollow Friday and picked up the win at Eriez Sunday for his points this week. In non-scoring action, He got a second in ULMS action at  Mercer Raceway Park Saturday.

2. Jared Miley***, 30 points. Jared was first under the Checkers at Dog Hollow Friday for his points this week. In non scoring action, He was third at Mercer on Saturday, and eighth at Eriez Sunday.

3. Alex Ferree***, 25 points. Alex was fourth at Lernerville Friday for his points this week. I idin't see his name anywhere else in any other results this weekend.

4. Dylan Yoder**, 23 points. Dylan ran third at Dog Hollow Friday and got a second at Port Royal Saturday for his points this week.

5. Jeff Rine**, 22 points. Jeff got a third Bedford Friday and had the victory at Selinsgrove Saturday in scoring action for this week.

6. Russ King, 21 points. Russ ran second at Lernerville Friday for his points this week. In non-scoring action, he won Saturday at Mercer.

7. Michael Lake**, 18 points. Michael's points came from a fifth at Dog Hollow this week.I didn't see his name in any other results this weekend, but I hear he went to Ohio Valley for the Jim Dunn Memorial on Saturday.

7. Joe Martin*, 18 points. Joe didn't score any points this eek, but he did run seventh at Dog Hollow Friday. I didn't see his name in any other results this weekend.

9. Rob Blair*, 17 points. Rob got a third at Eriez Sunday for his points this week. I didn't see his name in any other results.

9. Mike Blose*, 17 points.  Mike didn't score any points this week. Only place I saw his name in any results was Dog Hollow Friday, where he came home eleventh.

And that's the first ten names on my list this week. It's the biggest late model weekend of the year this coming weekend with the WoO coming to town for three days at Lernerville, and I hope you're coming out to see it. If not, you're missing out. If you see me, stop and say hey. I'll be wandering around the place all three days so it's pretty likely you'll see me somewhere. It could be like a Where's Waldo kind of thing. Find me and win a prize. The only prize would be a friendly conversation, though.

If not, I'll see ya next Monday when I update these rankings for next week.

1 comment:

  1. like your comments on the dirt tracks especially ROB BLAIR AND HIS SON MAX I follow them through relatives and my computer.
