
Monday, May 23, 2016

TDN's Weekly Super Late Model Power Poll: Week 3

Hey there folks, it' that time of the week where I write some stuff about  super late models and stuff and rank the drivers accordingly. Of course, I suspect you know that by now, but I gotta come up with a lead in to my rankings somehow.

Anyways, I know last week I opined that we'd get a full weekend of racing in and get some separation among the top ten of this poll. Well, as we all know, we didn't get the full racing weekend in, because all of the Saturday night scoring tracks rained out, except Port Royal, but they had on off night scheduled anyways. All of the Friday night tracks got it in, and Eriez managed to doge the rain last night and got their show in, too.

But we did get some separation. I mean, there's still some ties and such, but the very top of the poll seems to be working itself out a bit. That's good I guess, but I;m sure we'd all like to see some actual racing one of these weeks. Sadly, it seems that this coming weekend might suffer a similar fate. Ugh.

That said, let's talk about the rankings. With the picture leading into this writeup, it's  pretty obvious who managed to get himself into the top spot all by his lonesome. There was some omvement behind him, too, so let's get to all that juciness,

1. Jared Miley**, 14 points. Jared won Friday night at Lernerville.

2. Greg Oakes*, 10 points. Greg was first under the checkers last night at Eriez.

3. Max Blair*, 9 points. Max followed Greg across the line at Eriez last night. He was second at the special Clinton County ran Friday, though.

3. Dylan Yoder*, 9 points. Dylan didn't score any points this week.He apparently ran third at Clinton County Friday night  at their super late model special though.

5. DJ Troutman, 7 points. DJ got a second at Bedford Friday.

5. Jeff Rine, 7 points. Jeff was third at Bedford Friday.

7. Chad Hollenbeck*, 5 points. Chad went scoreless this week, but he did run tenth at Bedford Friday.

7. Michael Lake*, 5 points. Michael also put up a goose egg this week, but he did run sixteenth at Lernerville Friday.

 7. Devin Friese*, 5 points. Devin took home the big check at Dog Hollow Friday.

7. Andy Haus*, 5 points. Andy was the class of the field at Bedford Friday.

And that's the first ten names on my spreadsheet this week. A few different names in different places, but it's still early in the season. Let's hope we can get some actual shows in soon so we can get a real feel about how strong the cars are this year. Think happy thoughts of good weather. Please.

See ya next Monday.

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