
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So, the 2016 Super late Model Poll We Do Around Here Starts Scoring This Weekend.

So, it's that time of the year when I do this thing I do with the super late model racers in Pennsylvania. If you're unfamiliar I rank them according to their finishes with points and stuff. Then, after Labor Day weekend,the racer with the most points wins the title. Pictured above is 2015 champion, and Bedford and Selinsgrove regular Jeff Rine. He's very fast around his way. I'd expect him to be a major contender for the title in 2016, too. I know he's switched from MBH race cars, to the vaunted, and very popular, Longhorn race cars for 2016. It's a bold move, Cotton, let's see how it plays out for him.

Anyways, let's get to particulars and what not.

I have always completely excluded specials from my poll. I have always felt it took away from what I'm doing. I scored the top 5 at weekly tracks with the winner getting 5 points, second getting 4 points,  and so on and so forth down to the racer that finishes fifth getting one point. This year, I'm switching that up a bit, with the increase of specials on regular race nights.

 From now on, if a weekly racer (and I'll admit, that's completely going to be a judgement call on my part) makes a show at special on the regular race night for one of the tracks I score, they're going to get three "show up" points. If they manage to win the show, they'll get the full five points if it's 5000 to win or less, and ten points if it's a show that's 5001 or more to win. It's gonna make a little but more work for me, but whatevs, I do this poll because it's fun.

Scoring starts this week, and will run through Labor Day weekend in September. 

The tracks involved this year are pretty much the same as previous years, except I'm putting PPMS back on the team, because they're running super lates pretty much every week again in 2016. For those that are uninitiated, the tracks I score are Lernerville, Dog Hollow and Bedford on Fridays, Selinsgrove, Marion Center, Roaring Knob, Port Royal, and PPMS on Saturdays, and Eriez on Sundays. Basically, all the tracks in Pennsylvania that run super late models on a weekly basis.

The standings, as always, will be updated every Monday evening. Maybe even a bit earlier every Monday, because I no longer work Mondays. I stay home with my daughter to save some money on day care.  I'll do my updating for this poll while the little one naps.

And that's it. Come back Monday, as my first standings of the year will be posted.

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